
Measures of Center

  • Suppose we have observations `y_1, ..., y_n`

  • mean: `bar(y) = (y_1 + ... + y_n)/n = 1/n sum_(i = 1)^n y_i`

  • median:

  • - arrange numbers in increasing order

  • - if `n` is odd, the median is the observation in center

  • - if `n` is even, the median is the mean of the two observations in the center

Ex: `2, 4, 5, 9`

mean = `(2 + 4 + 5 + 9)/4 = 5`

median = `(4 + 5)/2 = 4.5`

  • Note: mean is greatly affected by outliers (unusual values) while median is robust (not sensitive to outliers)

Measures of Variation

  • variance: `s^2 = 1/(n-1) sum_(i = 1)^n (y_i - bar(y))^2`

  • standard deviation: `s` (square root of variation)

Ex: `8, 10, 12`

`bar(y) = 10`

`s = sqrt(((8-10)^2 + (10-10)^2 + (12-10)^2)/(3-1)) = 2`

  • interquartile range (IQR):

  • - arrange data in increasing order

  • - lower quartile `Q_1` is the median of the observations to the left of the median

  • - upper quartile `Q_3` is the median of the observations to the right of the median

  • - IQR = `Q_3 - Q_1`

Ex: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

median = `4`

`Q_1 = 2.5`

`Q_3 = 5.5`

`IQR = 3`

  • Note: standard deviation is sensitive to outliers. IQR is not.

  • Use the mean and standard deviation if the data is symmetric and there are no outliers

  • Use the median and IQR if the data is skewed and there are outliers

Relative Standing

  • Suppose we have observations `y_1, ..., y_n`

  • z-score: number of standard deviations away from the mean

  • To find the z-score associated with a given `y_i`, subtract the mean of the observations and divide by the standard deviation

  • `z = (y_i - bar(y))/s`

Ex: Comparing Sports Teams

W-L % Mean SD z-score
Patriots 14-2 .875 .500 .200 1.88
Cubs 103-58 .640 .500 .062 2.26

z-score for Patriots: `(.875 - .500)/.200 ~~ 1.88`

z-score for Cubs: `(.640 - .500)/.062 ~~ 2.26`

The Patriots have a higher win %, but the Cubs have a higher z-score. This means that the Cubs getting a win is more impressive.

Changes in Scale

  • Suppose `x_i = a + by_i`, `b > 0`, for `i = 1, ..., n`

  • Then `bar(x) = a + b bar(y)`

  • And `s_x` (standard deviation of x) ` = bs_y`

  • And z-score = `(x_i - bar(x))/s_x = ((a+by_i)-(a+b bar(y)))/(bs_y) = (y_i - bar(y))/s_y`

  • In words: change each observation `y_i` by some amount (by adding and/or multiplying each `y_i` by some value(s))

  • - Finding the mean of the changed values is the same as applying the changes to the mean of the old values

  • - The standard deviation is unaffected by addition, but finding the standard deviation of the changed values is the same as multiplying the old standard by the amount multiplied to each `y_i`

  • - The z-score is unaffected by changes in scale


  • A measure of linear association between two quantitative variables

  • Suppose we have two variables `x` and `y` whose values for `n` cases are `(x_1, y_1), ..., (x_n, y_n)`

  • Let `bar(x)` and `bar(y)` be means, let `s_x` and `s_y` be standard deviations

  • The correlation between `x` and `y` is `r = 1/(n-1) sum_(i = 1)^n ((x_i-bar(x))/(s_x))((y_i-bar(y))/(s_y))`

  • If `x` and `y` are positively associated (large values of `x` are paired with large values of `y`) then `r > 0`

  • If `x` and `y` are negatively associated (large values of `x` are paired with small values of `y`) then `r < 0`

  • If `x_i = y_i` for all `i`, then `r = 1/(n-1) sum_(i = 1)^n (x_i-bar(x))^2/(s_x)^2 = (s_x)^2/(s_x)^2 = 1`

  • If `x_i = -y_i` for all `i`, then `r = -1`

  • We always have `-1 <= r <= 1`

  • Correlation is unaffected by changes in scale

Linear Regression

  • Goal: predict the value of a variable `y` (response variable) given the value of a variable `x` (explanatory variable)

  • Fit a line to the data and use the line to predict `y` from `x`

  • Equation of the line is `hat(y) = b_0 + b_1x` where `b_0` is the intercept and `b_1` is the slope

  • If the value of the explanatory variable is `x_0` then the prediction for the response variable is `b_0 + b_1x_0`

  • For each point, the vertical distance `y-hat(y)` between the point and the line is called the prediction error or residual

  • least squares regression line: the line that minimizes the sum of squares of residuals

  • Let `bar(x)` and `bar(y)` be the means of two variables

  • Let `s_x` and `s_y` be the standard deviations

  • Let `r` be the correlation

  • The least squares regression line is `hat(y) = b_0 + b_1x` where `b_1 = (rs_y)/s_x` and `b_0 = bar(y) - b_1bar(x)`

Ex: Let `x` be the father's height and `y` be the son's height

Let `bar(x) = 67.7`, `bar(y) = 68.7`, `s_x = 2.72`, `s_y = 2.82`, `r = 0.50`

Then `b_1 = (0.5)(2.82/2.72) ~~ 0.518` and `b_0 = 68.7 - (0.518)(67.7) ~~ 33.6`

So the least squares regression line is `hat(y) = 33.6 + 0.518x`

If the father's height is `74` inches (`x = 74`), then we predict the son's height is `33.6 + 0.518(74) ~~ 71.9` inches

Every additional inch of the father's height increases the predicted son's height by `0.518` inches

  • The intercept (`b_0`) often has little statistical meaning

  • If the regression line goes through `(bar(x), bar(y))`, then if `x` is the average, then `y` is also the average

  • If `x = bar(x)+s_x`, then `hat(y) = b_0 + b_1(bar(x)+s_x) = b_0 + b_1bar(x) + b_1s_x = hat(y) + rs_y`

  • In words, if `x` is one standard deviation above the mean, we predict `y` to be `r` standard deviations above the mean

  • Because `-1 <= r <= 1`, this leads to the "regression effect"

Assessing the Appropriateness of Regression

  • residual plot: a plot of residuals against the explanatory variable

  • If the residual plot looks like a random scatter with no apparent pattern, then the regression line is a good representation of the relationship between the variables

  • - About 50% above and below

  • Things to look for:

  • - curvature

  • - outliers (large residuals or points that are extreme in the `x`-direction

  • - heteroskedasticity (uneven spread)

  • Low values of `x` have a small spread while large values of `x` have a larger spread

  • If there is curvature or extreme heteroskedasticity, try a transformation

  • Replace `y` by `y^2` or `sqrt(y)` or `1/y` or logs of one or both variables

  • A point has high leverage if it is extreme in the `x`-direction

  • A point is influential if omitting it would greatly change the slope of the line

Assessing the Quality of Fit

  • The fraction of the variation in `y` explained by the regression is called `R^2` and it is the square of the correlation

  • If `R^2` is high, regression could be inappropriate if there is a way of getting better predictions

  • Could do better by not using a line because the points are curved

  • If `R^2` is low, regression could be appropriate if there is no way to do better